Botox – wrinkles

Botox is a drug produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. There are many types of toxins, however, type A is mainly used in aesthetic medicine. In aesthetic medicine, botox is the most-often and the most commonly performed procedure. What determines it? First of all, slight invasiveness, no pain, fast and reversible effect and a large safety profile (of course, provided that the procedure is performed by a person who knows it – treatments using botulinum toxin can be performed only by a properly trained physician).
Botox works on the neuromuscular junction at the injection site. The toxin penetrates the nerve endings, where it blocks the secretion of acetylcholine – the main neurotransmitter responsible for muscle contraction. As a result, there is chemical, temporary denervation and the muscle does not shrink or the contraction is very weak. Muscle relaxation is the main causative factor for visibly smoothing the skin and reducing wrinkles. In addition, the skin “rests”, it is relaxed, so the process of aging and deepening of wrinkles is slowed or stopped until the effect disappears.
The use of botulinum toxin in the correction of wrinkles makes the face look younger, milder, relaxed.
Nasza Oferta

The treatment with the use of botulinum toxin takes about 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, small, well-defined doses of the preparation are given in specific points (depending on the surgical area and determined during consultations). The treatment is virtually painless.
The first effects appear after a few day after the administration of the toxin, however, one should wait 7-14 days for the full effect.

Indications for procedure
– wrinkles around the eyes – crow’s feet,
– vertical forehead wrinkle – the lion wrinkle,
– horizontal forehead wrinkles,
– lower eyelid wrinkles,
– rabbit wrinkles,
– chin wrinkles – cobble chin,
– vertical wrinkles of the neck (platysmal bands),
– drooping corners of the mouth,,
– drooping eyebrow.
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